B&D Montessori CHristmas Concert

Holiday season has arrived! What is a better way to capture the magic moments with your closest family in a cozy photoshoot? Drop by our booth for a quick family photo surrounded by Christmas trees, presents, and Christmas lights.


Photo booth is sold out! Thank you for your interest and see you next year!

Santa Package

Everything you need for Christmas, even Santa will approve your choice.

$120 + tax

2 photos with different poses

2 of 8 x 10 print with wooden frame

Digital copy

free shipping

Starter Package

Looking for a physical print you can show your family? Look no further.

$60 + tax

1 photo

8 x 10 print without frame

Digital copy

free shipping

Digital only

Share the holiday vibes with your family close by and far away.

$30 + tax

1 photo

Digital copy